Board Up Service
Tip Top Plumbing & Restoration is the ultimate solution to all your emergency board up needs. We understand how devastating situations like fire, vandalism, and water damage can be. These unfortunate disasters can occur at any time, disrupting the peace and comfort of your home or workplace. At Tip Top Plumbing & Restoration, we are dedicated to providing you with instant peace of mind by securing your property with our exceptional emergency board up service. Our services are available 24/7, every day of the year, ensuring that your property is well-protected and secure at all times. We use only high-quality materials that guarantee our clients’ satisfaction, and our workmanship and experience far exceed expectations. So, if you find yourself in need of window or door replacement due to unexpected weather events or unfortunate incidents, give us a call at (954) 289-0455, or schedule an appointment with us online. We will provide you with top-notch boarding up services that will leave you feeling reassured and at peace.